Sharon Housing Partnership Meeting Minutes Approved 4-4-07

March 7, 2007

In attendance: Jane Desberg,  Susan Saunders,  Mary Tobin, Alan Lury

Also present: Jim Comeau and Phoebe Morad from South Shore Habitat of Humanity


South Shore Habitat for Humanity

HFH Jim Comeau and Phoebe Morad presented information on how HFH could work with the Town of Sharon, and the Housing Partnership to develop affordable homes. They have expanded their development capabilities in recent years to include duplexes and multi-use developments. HFH handles the buyer selection, the legal costs, and  the sale. Approximate cost to build single family $130,000. Requires 500 hours sweat equity from buyers.  If three units are built units will be counted toward town's affordable quota.  Homes are build using LEED standards. Jim Comeau suggested that the biggest problem related to building affordable housing is getting the land. HFH works with towns to help identify land opportunities.


Conference call with Robert Young

Discussed HP's recent application to Community Preservation Committee for $100,000 to the Housing Trust for affordable housing. It was related by Robert Young that the CPC raised concerns about abdicating responsibility for affordable housing by handing over money to the Housing Trust and that discussion included suggesting only 10% of the CPC total funds (~60K)be allocated instead. First vote of CPC for HP proposal will be March 22, 2007. It was suggested that COA should be asked to appear in support of this proposal.

Jane Desberg will be in touch with the Board of Selectmen to ask them to meet with the Sharon HP.  


Winslow Road

Perk tests have been done. Verbal report suggests poor perk rate.


Hunter's Ridge

HP will contact Mirrione and finalize contract. Jane Desberg reported that the Housing Authority supported HP contract agreement that includes $8000 administrative base and 3% administrative sales fee per affordable unit.Executex will be paid through the Housing Authority.


Other Business

Simpson representatives appeared at recent ZBA meeting where they proposed building an additional 33 units in partnership with Brickstone.  HP was not informed of ZBA meeting.